Lam search is a software developed to find the optimum Quad and Double-Double laminates under multiple loads. (from 7 to 49 independant loads depending on the version)
we offer on this website three versions of Lam search free to download.

Lam search lite is an Excel base software, easy to use to start using our optimization tool. Lam search Lite is limited to 7 loads and Unit circle failure criteria.

This version offers more extended tools than Lam search Lite such as the QUAD laminate replacement by a Double double or the DD replacement by a QUAD laminate or also the best DD laminate for a given set of Aij (stiffness matrix).

This version of Lamsearch works with under Matlab Runtime 9.5 and up.

Enter your Email to download Lam search for Excel or for Matlab
LAM SEARCH advanced and full version
Lam search is an Excel-based search engine that find the strongest laminate subjected to multiple loads (up to 49) in the legacy quad family, with and without 10 percent rule, and in the double-double families. It is totally open and Lam search is available free to interested parties. It is a learning tool for students as well as professionals. It is a straightforward application of classical laminated plate theory and failure criteria. For those not familiar with some of the concepts that we use, a number of books and publications are listed in the Read me section of the website to facilitate this introduction. They include the multiple-angle transformation (with invariants), Tsai’s modulus (master ply), strength ratio, omni envelopes (with isotropic core), unit circle and Nettles circle criteria, and homogenization.
The latest version of Lamsearch can be obtained by contacting Professor S.W. Tsai at Stanford (stsai@stanford.edu ) .